Paul Hitter Portrait

Paul Hitter

The Storm in the World of Art. The works of Paul Hitter, whether drawing or painting, stir you up with their straightforward sincerity. Paul Hitter – a great personality void of disguise, who stays true to himself, all but conformist. The painter presents his thoughts, emotions, and values in a clear, vivid, colorful language. “His themes provoke a venal, discriminating society in its ignorance”, states Katharine Siegling, very impressed. He has become a role model for the generation that asks questions and demands answers.

Legend of Manole

Legend of Manole
Paul Hitter The Lark

The Lark
Paul Hitter Mala Suerte

Mala Suerte
Paul Hitter Living la Vida Locca

Living la Vida Locca
Paul Hitter Berlin

Paul Hitter The Light Bearer

The Light Bearer
Paul Hitter Shakti


Cheating Husband

Cheating Husband
Love and let go

Love and Let Go
Paul Hitter

Paul Hitter
Enjoy the Little things

Enjoy the Little things
Teleorman County

Teleorman County
Gipsy Madonna

Gipsy Madonna
