200 Years of Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky
and his world-famous work:
“The Idiot”
Realism in the literature of the 19th century spread from France all across Europe and became a movement in both art and literature. It is based on the reflection of reality, of objectivity, which can be perceived despite an ignorant society and manifests itself as such.
We present the life and work of one of the most important Russian writers who has influenced the era of realism and the literary, philosophical, and theological world after him until today.
Pianist Franziska Runyai will accompany the presentation of his work with Tchaikovsky’s “The Seasons,” Op.37a.
„200 Years of Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky”
Presentation: Katharine Siegling
Moderation: Christoph Schwarz
December 11th, 2021 – 6pm